The three numbers on a fertilizer bag stands for N-P-K Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium.
Use a high phosphorus fertilizer for potted nectar plants. This causes them to grow more blooms. (Phosphorus is the middle of the three numbers on a fertilizer bag. You can use a blossom-buster or other fruit-producing fertilizer.) Use a high nitrogen fertilizer for potted host plants.
Nitrogen causes the plants to grow more leaves. Nitrogen is the first of the three numbers on a fertilizer bag.
Below: This bag is a balanced fertilizer – all three numbers are the same.
Below: This fertilizer contains only nitrogen of the three (N-P-K).
Below: This fertilizer has more phosphorus, encourages flower/fruit growth and also encourages root growth.
Potassium is good for overall health of the plant.
(Side note: male butterflies are attracted to fertilizer for its salt content)