AFB Certified Butterfly Farmers

AFB Certified Butterfly Farmers are those professional members who have taken the Advanced Lepidoptera Disease Prevention Course and have completed all course material and passed all the quizzes and final exam. The owners of these farms have taken the time to complete an intensive month-long course, edited by two insect pathologists and two OE specialists.  They have earned the Disease Prevention Seal, which needs to be renewed every three years by taking the disease course and passing all quizzes and exam again.

We encourage you to purchase eggs, caterpillars, chrysalises, and adult butterflies from these farms. By purchasing butterflies from farmers who display the seal on their website, you can have confidence that these farmers have completed the course, practice disease prevention through good rearing practices, and know how to keep their stock clean and healthy by recognizing signs and symptoms of unhealthy stock.  You are ordering from a knowledgeable, informed professional who understands what to watch for and can help you feel good that you are receiving healthy butterflies or caterpillars.

FarmNameE-MailPhone Certified Until
A Butterfly TaleRoberta Vigilfurywicked@gmail.com2027
Beech Creek GardensRose Nero
Ashley Pennington
Blinque’s Butterfly GardenJennifer Lichtefeldblinquesbutterflygarden@gmail.com513-426-68662026
Folk’s Butterfly Farm
9 Butterfly Lane
Nescopeck, PA 18635
David Folk
Joan Folk
Glass House Butterfly Farm and GardensAmelia KingAmelia.672@gmail.com2027
JMZ ButterflyfarmJuilian BurrisJmzbutterflyfarm@gmail.com2027
Michigan MonarchsMichael Huxfordmichiganmonarchs@gmail.com810-798-86842027
Michigan Native Butterfly Farm Mary Bird
Tamara Snow
Southeastern SwallowtailsAmanda Maplessoutheasternswallowtails@gmail.com2026
The Dahlonega Butterfly FarmCindy Sachseinfo@dahlonegabutterfly.com2027
The Hatchery Butterfly FarmRyan Malonethehatcherybutterflies@gmail.com2027
Touch of Heaven Butterflies
Bennett, NC
Loretta Bradyljbrady2@yahoo.com336-953-28302028
Wish Upon A Butterfly
419 Mt. Air Rd.
New Castle, PA 16102
Jodi Hopper
Andrea Hopper